This is a gift, not a burden.

Vanessa did such an awesome job at the photography meeting! I was very impressed by her excellent teaching skills. Her handouts were great too! Since she was so thorough, I am just going to share some pictures I took during the meeting and then highlight a few things that Jan said in our always inspirational mentor moment. 

Our awesome photography teacher for the day!

Eager students soaking up the knowledge. 

Everyone learning more about their cameras.

Now,on to my take aways from Jan's mentor moment...

It is always nice to hear that parenting is hard. I know that it is, but sometimes I get stuck on the idea that maybe I am the only one who it is THIS hard for. One of my favorite things Jan said was, "Parenting is hard, you aren't doing anything wrong." This hit me, because I am always thinking, what am I doing wrong? What should I be doing different? Am I not disciplining them enough? Am I disciplining them too much? And the list goes on and on. It is great to be reminded that we are doing the best we can and it will never be perfect because parenting is just HARD. 

Another quote that hit home was, "This is a gift, not a burden." This was my mantra this morning as we were running late trying to get ready for school. My three year old was laying by the toilet screaming and crying because he couldn't decide if he wanted to use the stool to pee or not use the stool. "This is a gift, not a burden. This is a gift, not a burden! This a gift, not a BURDEN!!!"

I wish now I would have gotten my camera out, set my ISO for inside light and snapped that precious moment, but I was too busy trying not to loose my sh*%!

Just trying to hold it all together,

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