You Are Not Alone In This!

Two of my favorite things about MOPS is the feeling of comradery and the sharing of knowledge. This meeting was big on both! 

As we all know motherhood can be lonely. MOPS saved me from that alone feeling. I found my village and it really flipped my life as a mom upside down. Bunny shared a website with us during her mentor moment today. If you have ever lost your temper while attempting to discipline your child (who hasn't), you should definitely read the blog post linked below. You are not alone in this! We have all let our anger get the best of us and there is no shame in that. See blog here: 

It was really fun seeing the results of the color test today! It took a group I already feel so connected with and broke it down into smaller groups I can relate to on an even greater level. 

Do you think you match your color?

- nurturing - empathetic - emotional - has a hard time saying no - apologetic - easily experiences rage - needs to feel heard - Blue ladies, for the sake of your children, read the temper article please! ;)

- always moving - energetic - impulsive - risk takers - confident - competitive - life of the party, until they are not! :)

- high expectations - perfectionist - needs structure - organized - loyal - traditional - If your gold friend is stressed out, just take them for a night out to the container store! 

- analytical - problem solvers - logical - purposeful - independent - calm - objective - fear of failing - You ladies are statistically the rarest of breads and I think that is pretty awesome!

We also shared some fun facts and our favorite life hacks with each other. There were some amazing tips shared. Here are a few of my favorites: 
- microwave garlic cloves for a few seconds and they will peel themselves 
- use dry shampoo before bed to let it absorbed for clean looking hair the next day
- baby powder takes sand off for easy beach clean up
- use a hanging shoe divider as a weekly clothes organizer for your children

I didn't get to participate in the two truths and a lie game. So, here it is. Can you guess which one is a lie? 

- I have attended 4 Florida Universities
- My husband and I were extras on The Walking Dead, season 1
- I am an award winning sculptor, who has shown work at MOCA Jacksonville 

Thanks for all the sharing everyone did today! It really is what MOPS is all about. As our wise mentor mom, Bunny, said, "You are blessed and you are loved." 

So totally blue and gold,

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