New Year & New Things!

We are gearing up for our new year! We are bringing back a few things from the past. This year we will have a photo directory and a monthly newsletter. But we need your help with both! Find a picture of yourself that you like and send it to Suzanne or Beth. Otherwise, we will take your picture at one of the first few meetings. So if you want control of what you're going to look like in the directory, get your picture in! As for the newsletter, we will be selling ad space for $2 an issue or $15 for the entire year (9 issues). If you know someone who would like to advertise to a great bunch of moms please contact Kathleen.

End of Summer

I can't believe there is only a month left before our new MOPS year! Our infant nursery (usually 5 months until walking/12 months) is completely full already! We have a few spots left in the other nurseries and we certainly have room for moms who do not need childcare.

Our last summer playdates are coming up! This Monday, the 15th, we are headed to Hanna Park to play in the splash park. On the 29th we'll head to the MOSH for a nice air-conditioned playdate!

Our first meeting of the year is Sept 12th! If you've registered with us already we have recently put you in a group. You will probably hear from your group leader in the next couple of weeks. If you haven't registered please fill out a registration form (see the link in the post below) and contact Kathleen or Beth so we can make sure we have a space in the nursery.