DIY Glass Birthday Plates

At our last crafty meeting we made glass birthday plates! This was a fun and pretty easy project. We got our idea from a couple of other blogs:
You can really make any sort of plate really. Great thing about these plates, since the paint is on the back, it's completely food safe!

A few things that we found helpful:
  1. Print out images on paper for inspiration or tracing (a ton can be found on pinterest)
  2. Using a dry-erase marker, trace or draw what you want to paint on to the front of the plate
  3. When you start painting on the back, make sure to paint the top layers first (like lines, or candles) as you will be painting the image in layers.
Glass plates can be easily found at the dollar store and with coupons you can get the paints for a pretty reasonable price! Would be great for Cookies for Santa plates, Family plates, etc. Even get your kids involved!

St Mark's MOPS moms who missed the meeting but still would like to make a plate, contact Kathleen or Amy for the supplies. We have plenty extra!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure the kids will love it!! I'll have to show this one to the wife, have a good one!

    -Solomon Berkovitch
