Due to Hurricane Irma, our scheduled speaker for 'Technology and Your Children' had to cancel. So, our very own
Doctoral-level Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Mae Barker talked to us about improving our children's adherence to rules and compliance. Mae came to speak to our group a few years ago. Half way through her presentation, she said "I need to be IN this group!" Soon after, she became one of us. So cool! How many times have you screamed, "JUST LISTEN TO ME!" this week? I can't count. Mae did an awesome job using personal stories, laughs and great advice to put a more positive spin on our parenting techniques. One of the most profound take aways for me was "You can never praise a child too much". Also, "Don't use your precious home time to punish for something that happened at school." Take a moment to write down 5 directions that you tell your child to do and they typically don't do it. Maybe you need to change the way you are talking to your child. To give GOOD DIRECTION to your child, you need to be clear, concise, calmly stated, not a question and with a nice "please". Instead of "Go clean your room" you can say, "Please put your clothes in the dirty clothes basket." Mae brought her children in for a live demonstration on implementing a reward program.
Mae's live demo |
Here is her hand out for the technique |
We celebrated the summer Birthdays of these hot mammas this morning! |
Meilani came to her first meeting! Caroline was impressed with the sweet newbie! |
We had a Saturday play date at the
Amazing Grace Crop Maze this weekend. It was fun hanging out with the whole family and seeing other families enjoying some fall fun in the FL heat!
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