Wisdom Panel- School Choice Focus & Kristin Perez, Mental Health Counselor

Our amazing panel: L-R Shawn Hurd, Teri Gonzalez, Liz Dean, Julie Mori

There was so much good information and discussion during our Wisdom Panel, but I would be remiss if I didn't put the contact information for our board out at the beginning:

Shawn Hurd- smhurd@gmail.com

Teri Gonzalez- teri.vm.gonzalez@gmail.com

Liz Dean- liz@oilygoodnesslife.com

Julie Mori- juliemori@me.com

The biggest thing that I took away from this awesome wisdom panel was that the most important thing that you can do for you kids to be engaged and involved in their education. All of these ladies have traveled different path; Shawn's kids started at SMEDS, and for a combination of reasons, she decided to homeschool. Terri's kids are in the gifted program at Stockton, and she moved to neighborhood specifically for the school. Liz's daughter went to private Catholic school until 10th grade, and now she homeschools and attends a co-op, in addition to taking classes at FSCJ. Julie's kids go to St. John's Country Day, and will eventually go on to Episcopal. All of these ladies love their kids so much, and all of them have chosen the best option for their family and their children. They all shared their contact information specifically so that we could ask them more detailed questions if we have them. Please take advantage of this great resource!


This week, we were so lucky to have Kristen Perez come and speak to us. She is a certified Mental Health Counselor who works in private practice as well as at UNF. She mainly focused on body image, both our own and that of our kids, and how our body image can affect them. She was such a voice of reason. With our kids, concentrate of praising their efforts and abilities, instead of always falling back on how beautiful or handsome they are. When your kids compare themselves to each other or to other kids, try to bring up things about them that are special and unique. Set a good example, as much as possible, for how you talk about yourself and others. 

It was an emotional meeting, and besides feeling lucky to have Kristen to guide us, I felt overwhelmingly lucky to be part of such a fantastic group of women. At the beginning of the meeting, Kristen had us draw ourselves and list our positive physical attributes. From the groans and moans, you would have thought she was pulling out our finger nails! Eventually, we all came up with a picture and a list. Why is that so hard? Probably because it is hard to feel positive about muffin tops and stretch marks. It's hard to look at the pile of pre-baby clothing and realize that even if you've met all your weight loss goals, they may still never fit again. It's hard to look in the mirror and not recognize the older, more tired, possibly stinkier (is there anyone who showers everyday anymore? Don't answer that. I don't want to know if I'm in fact the only one with questionable hygiene:) version of yourself. After sitting together and listening to each other for the rest of the meeting, I think the most succinct way to put it was covered in Jan's mentor moment at the beginning of the meeting. We all need to wear our perspectacles more often and see ourselves as others see us. Lets take each other's word for it, shall we? I think that you are all amazing, beautiful, smart, sassy, wonderful moms. I see you the way you really are. Trust me, ok?

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