Somehow another year has flown by, and we had our final meeting of the 2017-2018 year in May. We started off with the regular announcements and Mentor Moment, then moved into the end of the year business. Jessica recognized the outgoing leadership team and introduced near year's team. Then comes the most emotional part of the year - talking about what mops has meant to us this year, how much this group keeps us (and our children) sane and alive, and of course lots of tears. Like I said in the meeting, I've cried so many times in that room over the years, and I know I am not alone in that. We're all so lucky to have been a part of mops! Ok, moving on so I don't start crying again right now.
Walking out of that last meeting was very strange for me. It felt a lot like my last day of high school: a mix of nostalgia and excited nervousness for what's ahead. It's hard to put into words just what this group has meant to me over the years. It's been great for my kids over the years, too. They've made so many friends at mops, and thanks to Leo and Niko at the last meeting they now know how to play "bubble gum bubble gum in a dish." Great for practicing counting and for driving mom crazy!
Luckily I didn't have to be sad for long, thanks to the end of the year party! Things got a little crazy, as predicted. A little bit of wine, lots of laughs, and plenty of people in the pool, most of them in bathing suits. Get your minds out of the gutter, she jumped in in her clothes!
I hope to see everyone over the summer at play dates and girls nights. Thanks Jessica for your amazing leadership this year and for helping inspire all of us to become Free Indeed!