I had all these plans to write another summer post before our first meeting. But then this whole Irma thing happened and I've been in a funk. So bare with me. We did manage to have our kick off dinner at Burrito Gallery. Despite the last minute notice, we had an awesome turn out! Anne's husband now wants to start FOPs (Fathers of pre-schoolers).
Kick Off Dinner |
The Friday before the storm, we had our first Pick a Park Friday. We analyzed hurricane strategy. When to evacuate, where to go? Stress level was high. The kids ran wild at the park.
Ringhaver Park |
Our first meeting was canceled due to the storm. I love the way this group comes together when times get tough. The hurricane is happening and we're sounding off on Facebook to check on each other. Tracy throws out a last minute play date to have us all over. I did a load of laundry since my washer and dryer drowned. Karen's husband took a shower. Lots of people charged their phones. Many of us just wanted to sit in the ac. It was perfect! Tammy hosted an awesome beach play date the Monday after the hurricane. A glorious morning on the beach to appreciate nature is just what I needed!
Play date on the beach!
We had a few babies born during the hurricane chaos! Congratulations, mamas! |
We finally had our first meeting and wow- it was amazing! Our coordinator, Jessica did an awesome job of creating an open, honest tone. We went around the room and introduced ourselves, saying what we could release to feel more free. We were all so emotional and felt comfortable already sharing with each other. It was quite a sight to see! Lots of tears, lots of laughs, new friends, old reunions, a bit of drama- all on a Monday morning! It's going to be a great year!
Awesome first meeting! |