Some of us give something up, some of us do something good, always something to make you a better person. Lot of conversations of what we're doing for Lent. Jan, of course gave a loving message in her mentor moment- the true meaning and what it means to us. Always good tid bits from that lady! Our meeting last week was a cooking meeting- healthy, easy meals that your children will eat. I'd say the huge take away is to go
buy an Instapot. Jessica gave us a live demo- oh with her baby attached- just to show how easy this sucker is.
Just whipping up some beef stroganoff |
Jessica's mom came and made a fun meal that she makes for her grandchildren. The secret to that one is the seasoning and that cut up chicken cooks faster.
Here's the recipe |
Betty, Jessica's mom is making a rainbow of veggies! |
Amy gave a great demo with her banana nut bread. She gave all sorts of healthy tips! For an egg substitue you can use chiaseeds, applesauce or yogurt. You can reduce the sugar with Erythritol, Monkfruit or Stevia. Jan highly recommends the William Sinoma Figport with pork roast in a crockpot. YUM! I was happy to leave the meeting with leftovers for lunch and 2 take away chicken tetrazinnis for dinner!
Amy is keeping it healthy |
Her banana nut bread is mentor mom approved! |
Shrove Tuesday is our largest fundrasier! Thank you to all our moms who came out, cooked and cleaned. It was a huge success and a lot of fun! To the slackers, watch your back! Now, the Lenten season has officially begun! I love the addition of the casseroles to the pancake dinner...especially that crack casserole! Awesome!
Beautiful servers! |
2nd Anniversary of their friendship! |
We had a fun sky way to the library for story time play date mixed in there somewhere. A play date is so much more fun when you have cool, MOPS moms to chat with while you're kids are having fun, too!
Riding "the monorail" to the library! |
And then we had a leadership meeting today to plan for March. The year is already winding down. Don't worry, there's still so much fun things happening!
Missing some of the team, but happy for our Leadership Mondays! |
A Birthday party for Laurie, too! Yay! |