Our meeting last week was on self defense. Larry Shealy from Jacksonville Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu came to share some tips with us to keep ourselves and our little ones safe.
Larry started out with some basics to remember. If you're approached and attacked, make noise, make a scene, be loud. The predator is a coward, make it as difficult as possible. You're not fighting to win, you're fighting to survive. Keep your head on a swivel and remain aware of your surroundings. Keep your antennae up, and make eye contact with people.
Larry started out with some basics to remember. If you're approached and attacked, make noise, make a scene, be loud. The predator is a coward, make it as difficult as possible. You're not fighting to win, you're fighting to survive. Keep your head on a swivel and remain aware of your surroundings. Keep your antennae up, and make eye contact with people.
Do not err on the side of being nice. Go ahead and be aggressive if need be. If someone is asking for money or something, don't be polite, tell them to leave you alone. Call the police if you feel uncomfortable. Get in the car, if you have to drive a couple of blocks to buckle everyone in it's ok. If you have a baby strapped to you (like I usually do these days), get baby in the car ASAP. Start getting them unattached on your way to the car. Buckle baby in, then get everything else in. Ask for help getting to your car when you're grocery shopping.
Some other good info: Have your keys out in the parking lot so you can hit an attacker in their eyes with your keys. If you think you're being followed while driving, turn right 4 times in a row. If they're still there, they're following you. Drive to the police station or call 911. And make sure you bring someone with you on a run, especially after dark.
Emily told us about an app called "next door." You can enter info about things going on in your neighborhood to alert your neighbors, and read comments from others as well.
Larry also went over several techniques to protect yourself if someone does try to grab you when you're out and about. Some of our moms helped him demonstrate for the group, then we all had a chance to try out some moves.
If you're approached, put one leg back, put your opposite hand (non-dominant hand) up, and yell stop!
If they keep coming and grab your arm, you lean back, use your body weight to resist. Stay on your feet.
Use your other hand to grab the hand he has, pull up and away. Then you run. You don't have to run away, especially if your kids are there, just get away from him and make a scene to get help.
If you can't get away, grab his arm with both your hands, move very close, sit down, stick your leg in his hip, then kick the crap out of him with your other leg.
Another technique is to step back with your arm up and horizontal to the ground, grab your wrist with your other hand, and jam your forearm into their neck. Saw back and forth with your sharp arm bone.
If someone grabs you from behind, flop forward and become dead weight. Put your hands forward to add to your weight. Or walk your hands back, grab his ankle, lean all your weight back on his leg, and break his knee.
If someone grabs you and chokes you: shrug your shoulders, chin down, cross arms in front of your face, step back and duck out from under his arm.
If he chokes you when you can't lean back, grab his wrist, then grab a finger on that hand and snap his finger.
One last note: every six weeks Larry offers a free 2 hour program out at the beach. He does take donations for a friend who has a child with cancer. Check out jaxbjj.com or like them on facebook for more info.